Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama for sale

I think I will be able to buy anything with Obama's name or picture on
it while I am here. I thought I would see more people wearing Obama
stuff but I've actually seen more Steelers gear which must irritate
Baltimorians. But around me every conversation is about the Big Event.


  1. Cute picture. If you were a smart entrepreneur, you would be selling something yourself. Will you be wearing the iron-on shirt at some point?

  2. This is short as my blogging skills are non-existant, so if this works I will blog on. j j

  3. I got it!!! Amy and Andy, very envious, but sounds like you are really enjoying this great historical moment. Tomorrow should be really exciting. Where does one stand when there are 2 million people. If there is an opportunity and I could provide credit card # or send a check, I'd love a "neat" picture Obama sweat. But room in luggage is an issue. Just a JJ thought. Have a great time and love the Blog. jj
